
Monday, November 16, 2009

Judging out of tune?

Monday, November 16th, 2009 03:42:00

Muzik Muzik
Contenders and performers at Muzik Muzik: (Front row from left) Akim and Nubhan; (Back row from left) Black, Stacy and Estranged
Stacy: One of the best overall entertainers
THE cracks have begun to show.

Beneath the gold and gild of the prestigious composition competition that is Muzik Muzik, questions have now been raised on whether the judging process for the new system is adequate to fairly determine which songs actually deserve to face-off at the final of Anugerah Juara Lagu.
With 30 per cent of the decisive score for live performance determined on the night of competition, added on to the 70 per cent of the pre-judged composition value, the results are now open to question, more so now since it has been revealed that both processes involve the same handful of judges.
Does this mean that few are well-qualified enough to single-handedly determine the best worthy compositions in the country?
After all, with all due respect to the esteemed names which include the likes of Azlan Abu Hassan, Helen Yap, Mohariz Yaakup and Ahadiat Akashah, even the Anugerah Industri Muzik has two levels of evaluation with numerous judges involved to avoid abuse of the system.
In the previous format of Muzik Muzik, when it was broken into three categories of Pop Rock, Ballad and Ethnic Creative, judges were rotated with each leg of the semifinal.
While this was claimed to be due to the genre specialisation, now that the competition is open without defining categories, perhaps a more comprehensive judging process is all the more necessary.
After all, being in the industry, everyone has their favourites or people they’ve worked with. Dare we even mention the question of personal preference?
After the positive start — despite the laughable inclusion of Raja Gelek as performed by One Nation Emcees,
the second installment of the show was a downer for the same reasons that provided a nagging ‘sensation’ as to the judges’ previous top picks.
There was definitely nothing much to fault from the quality of performances, or even strength of songs  competing — as much as how doubts now creep in over just how fair the competition is.
With seven performers out of eleven competing with their songs championed from the Akademi Fantasia alumni, it was definitely not too far from the fan billing of the show as ‘the best Akademi Fantasia concert’ in a long time — even better than the recent attempts by Astro, which produces the popular reality TV program.
And in the midst of it all, came speculation that Aku Rindu Sayang Kamu that was performed by Black would be a shoo-in just like Raja Gelek to top the challengers for the night.
After all, just like One Nation Emcees, the song’s performer fell into the supposed quota of ‘Media Prima  in-house talent’.
And while the rumour has been disputed repeatedly, it was a confirmation of sorts, when after four former Akademi Fantasia talents were announced to be in the top five, Black was included to no real shock.
It was not so much about the song making it, as it had more merits to be deserving of the high score to enable it to be in the top five — as opposed to Raja Gelek.
Just maybe, the insinuation that it may have gotten in on other merits sat uneasily with many.
Aurora, wholly the work of Estranged, was definitely deserved.  Displaying a sense of newfound maturity in their performance, their showmanship was laid-back, and they didn’t seem to even bother to try, despite sounding as tight as ever, with frontman Rich delivering well in the vocals department.
Though it must be said that true, he did muff up the lyrics of the tune in the heat of the moment.
Sharon Paul and Azalea’s Seadanya Aku was also well-delivered by Nubhan and earned its spot in the top five.
His breathy, almost nasal tone may get on your nerves. If it doesn’t, you’ll be among the screaming fans.
Credit to him however, as the boy has shown a marked improvement in his ability to deliver, though you can’t help but feel that the reverb was thrown up to a maximum to aid him just a little bit.
Edry KRU’s Pakai Buang may be reminiscent of any KRU-composed pop ditty.
However, Stacy is known more for her showmanship, and she did blow the audience away with her performance.
It was a blisteringly energetic show by 6ixth Sense, and Stacy stamped her mark as one of the best overall entertainers, not only among newcomers, but even with more seasoned campaigners in the business.
Amir and Sheikh Qalam’s Bengang was obviously the hit of the night, with the crowd going wild, as Akim closed the show with his explosive delivery.
Somewhere in the mix was a ho-hum epitome to mediocrity in Yuzai’s Aku Rindu Sayang Kamu which was done, just okay, by Black.
Forget Jinbara’s laughable Tahu Tak Tau Joget or more dated catalogue Ajai with Ku Pinjam Satu Bintang as performed by Alyah and Riz.
Dismiss the eyebrow-raising sham that was Cinta Gila by Sharnizad and Hafizal which was performed by  Grey Sky Morning and the extremely lame Edry KRU-penned Benar-Benar which had Adam taking pop music back by 20 years.
Anas’ Fikirlah, performed by younger brother Aizat was a nice tune, though it paled in comparison to the latter’s Kau Aku which was at the top of the heap the previous week.
The big win for the night — which ended up losing, at least for now, was 6ixth Sense’s self-penned Khatimah
Like last year, the boys, who were responsible for some of the most fresh sounds, are now facing the very real possibility  that they have missed the ride to the finals through no fault of theirs.
While many felt Khatimah Cinta deserved a spot, it seems doubtful that the song — a fresh take of a Malay rock ballad - will make the cut. A shame, as apart from Khatimah Cinta, the likes of Dan Sebenarnya, Aku Skandal  dan Kau Aku is a handful of tunes which have gotten Malaysian music fans excited for the right reasons.
For now at least, with a lame judging system, it will be interesting to see how TV3 tweaks the mechanism this far into the competition to ensure the right thing is done.
After all, they keep repeating that the top five for each semifinal leg is no guarantee of a final berth. Then again, when a good song is placed lowly — what chance does it have against cr*p placed much higher?
Sumber : Malay Mail


Anonymous said...

hai... izah cuma nk minta klau bole terangkan sdkt warna tulisan text tu bole x? hehe! terlalu pudar & ssh nk bacala... bg izahla. tlsn tu ada prgkt2 kan, yg ni dh nk dkt transparent kut hehe... thanks

Anonymous said...

thanks admin... :)

Persamaan SABUN

1.sabun sesama mental!!!!!
2.kelakar amat..
3.suka pakai baju hitam putih..
4.mengamalkan teori cas
5.sama2 comel..
6.suara yg best..
7.kesayangan bung romli
8.2-2 penah dilukakan
9.suke makan tempoyak
10.sayang budak2
11.sama2 putih
12.anak buah stacy cam nubhan(chinese look)
13.rambut lurus
15.persamaan paling ironik...ANGSA!!!(nubhan selalu angsa time konsert,anti stacy club bernama ANGSA)
17.Ahmad Nubhan Ahamad & Stracie Angie Anam - 2 dari 3 patah perkataan nama mereka start ngan A
18.birthday no genap(ni peng yg pikir)
nub 2/4 stacy 18/8
19.kucing!!(haiwan yg selalu disebut oleh SABUN)
20.penggunaan perkataan wah!! dan am..boi secara berleluasa
21.berkorban bangun pagi untuk family(sila refer telenovela kayu api)
22.berjanji akan tetap berkahwin walau dua2 nazak dan baring suda..
23.tema kawen warna purple..
24.tema hari raya warna merah hati..
25.duet ada cinta..
26.pnah mng dance contest cikgu linda
27.lagu mereka ada unsur aku..(aku stacy dan line akuuuuuuygberlambak2dalam ada untukmu..then,tajuk sebenar lagu nub adalahakuada untukmu..)
28.pakai bj itam ms audition
29.suka pakai spek itam..
30.Spek mereka saiz besar dari muka@kamen rider
31.suka CT
32.lagu tema yg sama(sandarkan pada kenangan,bawaku terbang)
33.berdiri bersama masa pengumuman juara
34.suka pakai sweater berhood masa dalam akademi
35.Strong instinct towards each other(tau je each other buat apa,pakai apa)
36.Fringe rambut sama! (dari dalam akademi sampai le sekarang)
37.Muka lebihkurang ala-ala Korea/Jepun (Korea/Jepun.... tu bukan sepupu sepapat ke tu? )
38.Pencinta Alam Sekitar
39.Suka memancing
40.Nama SABUN mewakili negeri masing2. N-NUbhan(Negeri Sembilan) S-staCY(Sabah)
41.kedua-duanya lurus orgnya..
42.dua2 xde jerawat (kalau ada pun jerawat rindu. haha)
43.dua2 suke air milo
44.dua2 berasal dr kampung..
45.Dua2 sehati sejiwa nak pelamin 4 tingkat ataupun 8 tingkat
46.Kedua-duanya sporting giler..
47.antara org yg mcm so call asisstant Nubhan(x tahu apatugasdanjawatan sebenar dia),ada seorang bernama STACEY..nama ygsamadgnSTACY,cuma lain ejaan
48.Dua2 peminat cerita seram (Yg ni dorang sendiri bagi tau kat Ria Sentral....)
49.Dua-dua penah makan ulat saguu
50.Both suka makan ayam kfc hot n spicy

Thanks 2 all SABUNians yg terlibat.

Letter for SABUN


Kepada semua SABUNians yang sgt sporting and setia bersama SABUN. Blog ini dibina atas sokongan anda semua. Terima kasih juga atas sokong dan galakkan dari pihak SABUN sendiri. Kami sayang anda berdua! Paling penting SABUNians haruslah menyokong kerjaya seni SABUN.

WE LOVE SABUN a.k.a Stacy and Nubhan.
SABUN a.k.a Stacy and Nubhan no matter what.